
Video: PET to PET expands granulation plant

In 2020, PET to PET not only expanded its handling areas, but also expanded the granulation plant with the support of Starlinger recycling technology. Aerial photography via drone accompanied the construction work.

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New recycling record

Annual balance 2020: PET to PET Recycling Österreich GmbH can look back on its most successful year to date. More than 28,000 tonnes of PET material - equivalent to around 1.13 billion PET bottles - were used to produce valuable secondary raw material for new PET containers. This represents a further increase of 7.3 % compared to 2020.

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Annual balance 2019: New recycling record - Over 26,000 tonnes of PET material recycled

PET to PET Recycling Österreich GmbH can look back on its most successful year to date: in 2019, more than 26,300 tonnes of PET material - equivalent to around 1.1 billion PET bottles - was used to produce valuable secondary raw material for new PET containers. This represents a further increase of 3% compared to 2018.

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SchauTV documentary

In 2018 more than 25,000 tonnes of PET materials from over one billion PET bottles were reused. SchauTV visited PET to PET Recycling Österreich GmbH in Müllendorf and reported how the bottle-to-bottle cycle looks in detail.

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Annual balance 2018: Over 1 billion PET bottles processed into recyclate

While all of Europe is currently discussing the circular economy, this has been successfully implemented in Austria for over ten years now. In 2018, PET to PET Recycling Österreich GmbH in Burgenland is reporting a new record: in total, more than one billion PET bottles - that is more than 25,400 tonnes of PET material - were used to produce valuable secondary raw material for new PET bottles. This represents an increase of 9% compared to 2017.

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PET to PET Half Year Results 2018: Over 500 million recycled PET bottles

• Increase of 7% compared to the first half of 2017
• Over 12,500 tonnes of PET material maintained in the resource cycle
• Burgenland Pet to Pet Recycling Austria GmbH as Best Practice of a functioning recycling economy

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Recycling record in the anniversary year

PET to PET Recycling Austria GmbH can look back on its most successful year so far: Thanks to sustainable investments and ongoing process optimization, the Austrian flagship company has set a new recycling record in its tenth year of existence. 23,300 tonnes of PET material and 930 million PET bottles could be fed back into the sustainable resource cycle. This represents an increase of 6 % over the previous year.

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10 years of PET to PET

An exceptional company celebrates its 10th anniversary.

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